Boston travel study trip planned

† † † (NTCC) is planning a travel-study course to Boston. The trip will take place next year from May 25-29. This opportunity is available to students who wish to receive college credit, as well as community members who would just like to participate in a fun, cultural experience.

† † † An informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 12:15 p.m. in Room 107 in the Humanities building. Students can receive course credit for GOVT 2305, ENGL 1302, or ENGL 2342 for participating in the Boston trip.

† † † "We have been doing trips like this for a number of years now and we always have a great time. Learning about history in books is great, but to actually visit the place where it happened is a unique and enlightening experience," Rex Allen, Government Instructor and trip organizer, Rex Allen, said.

† † † The cost for the trip is $1,325 per person (double room) or $1,695 per person (single room). Full payment is due on April 15, 2013. An installment plan is available. Fo more information, contact Allen at Enrollment is limited, so students are encouraged to sign up early.