June 29, 2012

The Continuing Education Department at 草榴社区 is pleased to announce these new courses starting in in July:
(Motorcycle) Basic Rider Course:鈥犫燭his 16-hour course is offered over two consecutive days, Saturday and Sunday, and is for the beginning motorcycle rider or the experienced motorcycle rider looking to improve their riding skills.鈥犫燭wo-wheeled, 5-speed motorcycles, as well as DOT approved loaner helmets, are provided for the course.鈥犫燚riving instruction is provided at a closed driving pad free of traffic and distractions.鈥燛ffective September 1, 2009, anyone under 18 must complete this course in order to obtain a motorcycle license (class M endorsement).鈥燯pon satisfactory completion of this course, the student will receive a Texas Department of Public Safety standardized Motorcycle Operator Training Course Completion Card, MSB-8.鈥犫燭he BRC will be taught on the NTCC campus by rider coaches from Motorsports Training Center out of Tyler and is scheduled twice a month beginning in July.鈥犫燜or more information, visit鈥.
Leadership 101:鈥犫燭here is no end to the books, courses, lectures, and on-line media commentary on the subject of leadership.鈥犫燛veryone wants to follow great leaders, or even good ones, if we can find them.鈥犫燞owever, few of us consider ourselves leaders unless we have a title or position.鈥犫燣eadership 101 is a five-week course and will be held on the NTCC campus on Thursday mornings from 7:00 a.m. ? 9:00 a.m. beginning July 19 continuing through August 16.鈥犫燭he instructor for this class is Roger Farr who, with both a BS and MS in chemical engineering, retired after 26 years with a major chemical company.鈥
(AHA) PALS Refresher Course:鈥犫燭he eight hour PALS Refresher Course utilizes small group learning stations to review current concepts of pediatric emergency care. In the learning stations participants will review essential skills and PALS concepts. Participants will receive training in effective team skills as a vital part of the resuscitative effort and will have the opportunity to practice as a team member and a team leader. This course is intended for anyone who is currently PALS certified and needs to renew their certification. This 8-hour class will be held on the NTCC campus on Tuesday, July 10, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 4:30 p.m.鈥犫燭he instructor for this class is Mike Hudson.鈥
Taser Certification for Commissioned Peace Officers:鈥犫燭his class is open to any commissioned peace officer who needs to be certified in this less-than-lethal weapons training.鈥犫燭wo class dates have been scheduled in July - Thursday, July 19, and Thursday, July 26.鈥犫燭he Taser Certification class is an 8-hour class beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m.鈥犫燭he classes will be held at the Criminal Justice Center on the NTCC campus both days.鈥犫燭he instructor for these classes is Officer Natalio Palma.鈥
In addition to these new offerings, the following additional courses are being offered during the month of July:
Basic Firearm Safety:鈥Recommended for the novice or one without recent experience with handguns and/or for those planning to enroll in a Concealed Handgun License class.鈥犫燣earn how to choose, inspect, and maintain the different type handguns.鈥犫燭his course will help expand your skills and attitude necessary to own and use a specific handgun safely.鈥犫燭hursday, July 19, from 6:00-10:00 pm.鈥犫營nstructor:鈥犫燘oake Slape
Concealed Handgun License:鈥燣earn basic firearm safety, Texas concealed handgun laws, choosing a weapon and holster, and shoot/don?t shoot scenarios.鈥犫8:00 am-7:00 pm on Saturday, July 21, at the Criminal Justice Center.鈥犫1:00-7:00 pm for recertification. Instructor: Boake Slape
Electrician Mandatory Update:鈥犫This course provides a review of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code including notable code revision as well as electrical licensing requirements and state laws and rules that regulate the conduct of licensed electricians.鈥犫燭his course is required to be completed every year prior to license renewal.鈥犫6:00-10:00 pm on Monday, July 9, at the Industrial Technology Training Center in Mt. Pleasant.鈥犫營nstructor:鈥犫燛arl Hale
Fueling For Independence:鈥犫This distance learning DVD is a comprehensive alternative fuels course that delivers instruction for production and processing of biofuels at home, on the farm, or in a small business environment for less than $1.60 per gallon.鈥犫燢now Texas Independence ? gather and grow ? make your own fuel!鈥
Self Defense for Women:鈥犫Are you prepared to defend yourself if the need arises?鈥犫燚on?t wait to become a victim.鈥犫燛nroll in this class and learn some basic techniques of self defense.鈥犫6:00-10:00 pm on Tuesday, July 17.鈥犫營nstructor:鈥犫燘oake Slape
On-Line: Education To Go (ED2GO):鈥燭oo busy to take time to attend class? Want to learn a skill in six weeks? Self-paced, instructor-led Education To Go courses are offered to provide students with the opportunity to work at their convenience online. Each course runs for six weeks and consists of twelve lessons. For more information about ED2GO classes, contact the Continuing Education department at 903-434-8134 or visit鈥.
Classes are continuously being planned for the semester and will be added month-to-month.鈥犫燬uggestions for new courses are always appreciated.鈥犫燚o you have a particular hobby, skill, or professional knowledge/ability that you would be interested in sharing with the community?鈥犫燭he NTCC Continuing Education Department is currently looking for instructors in arts/crafts, computers/business, cooking, physical fitness, etc.鈥犫燜or more information or to register for any CE class, please call 903-434-8134 or stop by the CE office in BT 111.