January 2, 2012

Ready to get started on your New Years resolution to lose those extra pounds? Check out this great article with tips from fitness experts ? including NTCC's very own Dr. Tom Seabourne. For losing fat and gaining muscle, he suggests:
"Challenge your large muscle groups a couple of times a week by doing squats, throwing hay bales, or hoisting cinder blocks so that you are huffing and puffing and burning. Stay consistent, maintain good form and increase the resistance as you get fitter and stronger" ?鈥Tom Seabourne PhD CSCS.鈥See what all of the experts had to say at鈥
Be sure to check out the new FIT Center at NTCC this semester to get on track for your own personal wellness plan. The facility is available to all NTCC students and several great fitness classes are also being offered. Check the spring schedule for details.