July 10, 2013

Anne Semrau†(right) presents Alex Ortega†with a fruit and†±¹±ð²µ±ð³Ù²¹²ú±ô±ð†gift basket for being named NTCC?s Fittest Employee†of the Month†for July. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing†overt wellness behavior and attitude.†The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for an August recipient!
Here are a few words about Alex's personal wellness plan?
It is an honor and a privilege to be nominated as Fittest Employee of the Month. I believe that our body is our soul's temple and we should take care of it. As a believer, I want to be a good steward with the body God has given me. I recently found out that my cholesteral was higher than normal. I became genuinely concerned about my health and the type of food I was consuming, so I decided to make a lifestyle change.
Everything we do begins with a foundation. Goals are our foundation. My goal was to just be consistent in working out regularly, and that meant taking part of my lunch break to workout and making healthier food choices. Caution: Be prepared for excuses. Before I started on this fitness journey, I made excuse after excuse for not having the time to workout. Living a healthy life requires sacrifice - whether that means getting up a little earlier in the morning to workout, riding your bike to work or school, or going for a walk on your lunch break. Lets face it, we're all human and excuses will happen, but we have to be prepared to fight off those excuses.
Whatever your goal may be, the key is to stay committed to it. After all, we all want to look and feel better about ourselves. We all want to enjoy our family and friends, but without good health sometimes it's hard to enjoy them. So, I encourage you to start building your fitness foundation and take ACTION!
Keep the Faith,
Alex Ortega
Alex Ortega