May 21, 2013

Recent STARR testing for Freshmen and Sophomores caused Junior and Seniors at Chapel Hill to be displaced.††Kristin French, Comunities in Schools coordinator at Chapel Hill Junior High and High School planned three days of activities for Juniors and Seniors.
The theme of the activities for juniors was getting ready for senior year. Mrs. Cristy Nolen, Family and Consumer Science teacher said, "Senior Camp" and that name stuck!††We wanted to get LOTS of work done, but have fun at the same time. We worked on getting all Apply Texas applications completed, resumes completed, we taught them how to write a cover letter and even filling out job applications.††On a lighter side, we had give aways each day, played Minute to Win it Games, and the favorite of most everyone--we painted on canvas.††The only directions given for the painting said Kristin French, "When you look forward to next year, what do you want the theme of your senior year to be, what do you hope to accomplish, what do you want others to remember you by?" We also had guest speakers come to speak to the students, Miles Young of NTCC and Claire Mizell of the University of Texas at Austin came to encourage and motivate the Juniors.
We had "Senior Service Days" for Chapel Hill Seniors.††Chapel Hill High School Principal, Brandon Dennard††said, "Lets give the students an opportunity to give back to the community that so selflessly supports our school and never ask††anything in return. Let's STEP UP!"So, with those directions, I knew exactly what we needed to do. I called Judy Zarcone, with Kids 360 and said we want to work!††She said COME ON! Our seniors helped sort clothes, toys, they painted, and did yard work.††The favorite activiy was actually getting to help decorate the kids bedrooms and make them feel like home.††Communities in Schools coordinator, Kristin French, surprised the seniors with Stepping Up shirts that say: Chapel Hill Seniors STEPPING UP Community Service Day 2013. This week was tiring, and a lot of work but definitely worth it!
The theme of the activities for juniors was getting ready for senior year. Mrs. Cristy Nolen, Family and Consumer Science teacher said, "Senior Camp" and that name stuck!††We wanted to get LOTS of work done, but have fun at the same time. We worked on getting all Apply Texas applications completed, resumes completed, we taught them how to write a cover letter and even filling out job applications.††On a lighter side, we had give aways each day, played Minute to Win it Games, and the favorite of most everyone--we painted on canvas.††The only directions given for the painting said Kristin French, "When you look forward to next year, what do you want the theme of your senior year to be, what do you hope to accomplish, what do you want others to remember you by?" We also had guest speakers come to speak to the students, Miles Young of NTCC and Claire Mizell of the University of Texas at Austin came to encourage and motivate the Juniors.
We had "Senior Service Days" for Chapel Hill Seniors.††Chapel Hill High School Principal, Brandon Dennard††said, "Lets give the students an opportunity to give back to the community that so selflessly supports our school and never ask††anything in return. Let's STEP UP!"So, with those directions, I knew exactly what we needed to do. I called Judy Zarcone, with Kids 360 and said we want to work!††She said COME ON! Our seniors helped sort clothes, toys, they painted, and did yard work.††The favorite activiy was actually getting to help decorate the kids bedrooms and make them feel like home.††Communities in Schools coordinator, Kristin French, surprised the seniors with Stepping Up shirts that say: Chapel Hill Seniors STEPPING UP Community Service Day 2013. This week was tiring, and a lot of work but definitely worth it!