CNFR standings update

Representatives from the NTCC Rodeo Team are hard at work in Casper, Wyoming this week at the College National Finals Rodeo. Below is an update on their progress as of Tuesday, June 11 (according to CNFR website standings):

? Sadie Johnson is in sixth place overall in goat tying after three runs. Her times were 7.7, 7.2, and 6.5 seconds respectively.

? Zack Bocco is in 36th place in Steer Wrestling after two go-rounds. He had a time of 9.9 in the first go-round, but didn't draw a score in the second go-round.

? Zack Bocco (header) and Kyler Bramhall (heeler) are in 17th place in team roping after two runs. They had a time of 7.5 seconds in the first run and 13.2 seconds in the second run.

The CNFR runs through Saturday.

Rodeo fans can follow the action at††or click††to view daily results.â€