March 5, 2013

Jim Swann†(left) presents Fredia Thomas and Sue Barker with fruit and†vegetable gift baskets for being named NTCC?s Fittest Employees
of the Month for February. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude.†The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a March recipient!
Here are a few words from Sue & Fredia about their personal wellness plans?
Sue Barker
I greatly appreciate your award for Fittest Employee of the Month.†I have always enjoyed being out of doors, so I have found walking is the best form of weight bearing exercise for me.†Sometimes it takes extra encouragement, and that is where Fredia comes in.†We support each other, or shall I say, we won?t let the other not participate! †Our new office space is wonderful, but there are no windows. Getting outside, even briefly, helps me feel a part of the campus and more energized. †Fittest Employee of the Month is a wonderful way to encourage and commend employees.†And we all know, healthy employees that feel good are more productive. Thank you for this nomination.â€
Fredia Thomas
I am honored to be chosen as the recipient of the ?Fittest Employee of the Month.?†I began exercising faithfully about six months ago, and it has been such a rewarding experience.††After work, all I wanted to do was go home and relax.†I kept saying I needed to take advantage of†the†new FIT Center†but kept putting it off.††Finally, I made up my mind to go, and now I†am†hooked.†I go to the FIT Center at least three times†per†week after work, and I always†leave both mentally and physically rejuvenated.††So, my†encouragement would be to†just move, whether it?s walking down the halls, walking around the campus, or just running in place in your office?just do something! †In addition to utilizing the FIT Center, Sue and I walk around the campus at least 3 times†per†week for about†30 minutes.†When weather†does not permit†us†walking outside, we go the 2nd†floor of the University Health Center to walk.††We†hold each other accountable for making†exercise a part of†our†daily routine.†My overall†health regimen includes detoxing the body, eating fruits and vegetables daily, limiting fried foods and sugar, meditating, and exercising.†Our health is precious, and we should never take it for granted.
Again, thank you for this honor and recognition.