Mandy Smith named May Fittest Employee of the Month

NTCC /uploads/2013/05/mandyfit.jpg

Rico Willis†(right) presents Mandy Smith†with a fruit and†±¹±ð²µ±ð³Ù²¹²ú±ô±ð†gift basket for being named NTCC?s Fittest Employee†of the Month for May. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude.†The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a June recipient!

Here are a few words about Mandy's personal wellness plan?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the NTCC Wellness Committee for the recognition. It is an honor to be recognized by the Committee.

Exercise has been an important part of my life for several years.†I currently get my exercise in by either walking on the three-quarter mile walking path at Dellwood Park or by attending Shelly Matkin's aerobic and yoga and Pilates classes at Dynamics Fitness several times a week.

Along with the physical benefits, exercise helps me feel better mentally as well. I encourage people to find a few minutes from their day to spend time doing some type of physical activity. Once you get started, it becomes a part of your routine and before you know it you'll be feeling so spry you'll be the one encouraging others to get up and start moving.

Below is a photo of me competing in my first (and maybe last) Survival Race a couple of weeks ago. I had a blast doing this with my nieces and daughter-in-law.

Thanks again for the recognition,
