Eagles Baseball picks up three wins against Pratt

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† † † †The ²ÝÁñÉçÇø (NTCC) Eagles baseball team secured†their first win of the season on Saturday against the Pratt Community†College Beavers. The Eagles and the Beavers squared off for two†doubleheaders on Saturday and Sunday and the Eagles won three of the four†games played this weekend.

† † † †NTCC took an early lead in the second inning of the first game and went on†to pick up a shutout, 3-0, win over the Beavers. The second game saw the†Eagles earn one run in the first inning and another in the fifth,†preventing the Beavers from scoring until the sixth inning where the†Eagles lost the lead by two runs. The Beavers held their lead and won the†second game of the day, 4-2.

† † † †The Eagles were off to a strong lead Sunday in the first game scoring five†runs in the first inning and two more in the fifth. The Beavers fought†back, but fell two runs short as the Eagles picked up a 7-5 victory.†Momentum from the game-one win carried into the second game as the Eagles†earned two runs in the first inning and picked up three more by the sixth.†The Beavers managed two runs in the third inning, but the Eagles held on†to win 5-2.

† † † †These victories bring the Eagles season record to 3-3 leading into their†next game at 2:00 p.m.††Friday against Hill College at NTCC.

† † † †The Eagles will also host the inaugural NTCC Baseball Tournament February†14-16. The tournament will feature five teams competing in nine games over†three days. The Eagles kick things off at 1:00 p.m. Friday, against†Navarro and play again at 7:00 p.m. against Howard College.

† † † †Follow the team on Twitter @NTCC_Baseball for updates and visit††for rosters, schedules,†and more.