Eagles Softball drops two to LSU Eunice

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† † † †The (NTCC) Eagles softball team took a†double loss against the Louisiana State University Eunice Bengals during†Saturday's home games.†The loss is the first for the Eagles this season after having won both of†their season opening games last week.

† † † †The Bengals took a commanding lead early in the first game, scoring four†unanswered runs before the end of the second inning.†Brianna Williams scored the first run of the day for the Eagles, but is†was not enough as the Bengals scored another three runs to win the first†game 7-1.

† † † †Williams hit a solo home run in the second inning of the second game and†Alizabeth Autrey earned an RBI in the third.†The Eagles gave up 15 runs to the Bengals by the fourth inning as NTCC†went on to suffer a 15-2 loss.

† † † †Assistant Softball Coach Amy Meyer was optimistic despite the loss,†stating that the team would review where they made mistakes, put those

behind them, and move forward.

† † † †"We focus on beating our own personal bests, and that is what we are going

to work on leading up to our next games," Meyer said.

† † † †The Eagles were forced to cancel last Monday's game against Ouachita†Baptist and last Wednesday's against Angelina College because of weather.

† † † †The Eagles play again at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. on February 12 in†Gainesville against North Central Texas College before facing Ranger†College at 1:00 p.m. on Feb. 14 and noon on Feb. 15 at home. The games†against Angelina have been rescheduled for 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Monday†Feb. 17 in Lufkin.