December 3, 2014

Joy Cooper†presents Heidi Wooten (right)†with a gift basket†for being named NTCC?s Fittest Employee†of the Month†for October. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing †overt wellness behavior and attitude.†
The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a November/December recipient!
Here's a message from Heidi regarding her†personal wellness plan?
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was a total shock and my life changed in an instant.††I had always been super healthy (or I thought I had been!) with no weight issues.††I ate whatever I wanted and never really exercised seriously.††Once my doctors determined that the cancer was not the result of genetic mutation, I was told that my cancer was most likely the result of environmental factors.††At that point I knew I had to make more informed decisions about the things that I ate and exposed myself to.††I began doing significant research and made the personal decision not to take the recommended chemotherapy treatment, but rather to manage my health with a more holistic approach. After seeing several different oncologists, I finally found one that was supportive of this approach.††In partnership with her, I studied and learned so many things about the foods that we eat and the chemicals we expose ourselves too. As a result, my diet changed drastically to include many more fresh fruits (honey crisp apples are my favorite!), vegetables, and fish and I removed over 90% of processed foods from my diet. In addition, I don?t drink or eat from anything that is not made from BPA free materials and I now only use organic household cleaning solutions. My doctor also recommended strenuous exercise at least 5 hours per week as studies now show that this can reduce the chance of breast cancer recurrence by as much as 50%.††I am now at 1 year cancer free and it is amazing how much better I feel!
The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a November/December recipient!
Here's a message from Heidi regarding her†personal wellness plan?
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was a total shock and my life changed in an instant.††I had always been super healthy (or I thought I had been!) with no weight issues.††I ate whatever I wanted and never really exercised seriously.††Once my doctors determined that the cancer was not the result of genetic mutation, I was told that my cancer was most likely the result of environmental factors.††At that point I knew I had to make more informed decisions about the things that I ate and exposed myself to.††I began doing significant research and made the personal decision not to take the recommended chemotherapy treatment, but rather to manage my health with a more holistic approach. After seeing several different oncologists, I finally found one that was supportive of this approach.††In partnership with her, I studied and learned so many things about the foods that we eat and the chemicals we expose ourselves too. As a result, my diet changed drastically to include many more fresh fruits (honey crisp apples are my favorite!), vegetables, and fish and I removed over 90% of processed foods from my diet. In addition, I don?t drink or eat from anything that is not made from BPA free materials and I now only use organic household cleaning solutions. My doctor also recommended strenuous exercise at least 5 hours per week as studies now show that this can reduce the chance of breast cancer recurrence by as much as 50%.††I am now at 1 year cancer free and it is amazing how much better I feel!