It is no secret that 草榴社区 Texas is quickly becoming a premier destination for retirees and others from big cities looking for a slower pace of life. The lower cost of living and abundant land has resulted in a record number of folks purchasing small acreage farms in the area. However, you can only enjoy the scenic view for so long before you realize that you need to鈥do something鈥爓ith all that land. This is where the 草榴社区 Agriculture Program can help!
If you are looking to learn more about how to make your鈥爏mall鈥爁arm functional and profitable, you won't want to miss the upcoming Bring Back The Homestead series at NTCC.鈥Whether you are looking to use your land for recreational purposes, animal production or farming, this series of classes will help you design a plan that works best for your operation. The courses will focus on Sustainable Agriculture, which is defined as agriculture that integrates three main goals: environmental stewardship, farm鈥爌rofitability, and prosperous farming communities. Whether starting-off with an acre or two or just鈥燼n apartment with a small patio, there?s something you can do to provide some of your own groceries鈥燼nd make your land the homestead you?ve dreamt of. But, before your pile the kids into the minivan鈥爄n search of dairy goats, peach trees, and heirloom vegetables take some time to consider what you鈥燼re about to do.
If you have become interested in the "sustainable agriculture" facet of agriculture as a marketing鈥爊iche, want to create a more prosperous farm that could be passed on to your family, or are just鈥爈ooking for the perfect retirement adventure, contact the NTCC Agriculture Department. The鈥燚irector of Agriculture, Rene? McCracken is excited to lead the effort in ?Bringing Back the鈥燞omestead? to area communities. This will be the first annual Homestead Workshop and is set to鈥燽egin in February, and is limited to 25 participants a registration fee of $45 for the series of courses鈥爉ust be paid prior to February 5th.
This will be a series of six workshops held on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon covering topics including:鈥燣aws and regulations for the farm, taxes and insurance, garden planning and design, introduction to鈥爐ractor maintenance and welding, livestock care and handling, alternative livestock and crops and鈥爒arious others. All topics will provide the best management practices to produce agriculture鈥爌roducts profitably on small acreages in East Texas. Some of the topics have been left open, and will鈥燽e decided by the participants as needed.鈥
If you would be interested in learning more about this鈥爌rogram, serving as an example ?homestead?, sponsoring, or attending classes, contact Rene?鈥燤cCracken at 903-434-8267 or鈥rmccracken@ntcc.edu. The workshop series kick-off is scheduled for鈥燭uesday, February 10, 2014 at the Whately Agriculture Complex located at 2886 FM 1735, Mt.鈥燩leasant, TX 75455 at 10 am. As the class is limited in size, RSVP is a must with the first 25鈥爌articipants registered on first come first serve basis. Continuing Education Programs of NTCC are鈥爋pen to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin.