Sinbad to perform standup comedy at the Whatley Center

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Friday, Jan. 24

Tickets: 903-434-8181

It's time to laugh away the winter blues at ˛ÝÁńÉçÇř Texas Community†College! Sinbad, of television and standup comedy fame, will perform live†at the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, Jan. 24 at 7 p.m.

† † † †Sinbad is sponsored by Guaranty Bond Bank. Tickets are $50 for rows A-B,†$35 for rows C-K, and $30 for rows L-O (no group discounts).

† † † †Actor and Comedian Sinbad arrived on the comedy scene with a "hit 'em in†the face" style of comedy that has kept audiences laughing in the aisles†for over the past two decades. He freely admits that he doesn't knows any

jokes, except for the ones that his dad told him "back in the day". Sinbad†tells stories, and boy does he tell stories! The basis of his humor comes†from everyone he meets, everything he's seen, and everything heπs done.

† † † †Ranked by Comedy Central as one of the top 100 standup comedians of all†time, Sinbad has built a loyal following by taking audiences' painful†trials or embarassing tribulations of day-by-day life, throwing them back†in their faces, and causing an uproar of comedic hysteria. He can also†make it sound profound without being profane. Not that he's any kind of†choirboy, but by being the son of a preacher man he decided to keep his†comedy clean after his father attended one of his early performances.

† † † †"We are very excited to offer Sinbad's standup comedy performance at the†Whatley Center. Many of us remember him fondly from 90s sitcoms and comedy†specials, and he is just as funny today as he was back then!" Carolyn†Franks, Director of the Whatley Center, said.

† † † †Sinbad is internationally known for his starring appearances in hit movies†like "Jingle All the Way," playing opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger; "Houseguest" co-starring the late Phil Hartman, and letπs not forget his†film debut "Necessary Roughness", where he did none of his own stunts! He†has starred in the television sitcom "A Different World" as well as his†own series, "The Sinbad Show". †Entertainment mogul Quincy Jones sought out†Sinbad to host UPN's first late night talk show, "Vibe". He also recently†appeared as a recurring guest star on the Showtime Original Series†"Resurrection Blvd."

† † † †Sinbad has appeared on the FX Television series "It's Always Sunny in†Philadelphia." Also, his long awaited stand-up special aired on Comedy†Central this past February. Most recently, Sinbad was seen in the third†season of NBCπs Celebrity Apprentice.

† † † †According to Franks, the show will be "PG" and should be appropriate for†most ages. Call the Whatley Center Box Office at 903-434-8181 to reserve†your tickets today. Visit to learn more about this†and other upcoming Whatley Center events.