January 30, 2015

Tom Seabourne†presents Bob Hedges (left)†with a gift basket†for being named NTCC?s Fittest Employee†of the Month†for January†To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing†overt wellness behavior and attitude.†
The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a February recipient!
Here's a message from Bob regarding his†personal wellness plan?
Dear Wellness Committee members,
Thank-you for your consideration as "Fittest Employee", however I need to ask you to re-consider this title.
I have quit smoking. That was a great achievement after being an avid smoker for nearly 60 years.† My by-pass surgery last August was an obvious motivator to quit smoking and made the successful endeavor relatively easy.
Since my surgery I have been battling serious weight gain issues. Efforts (diet and exercise) to get my weight under control have not been successful. I have been meeting with my doctor regarding these issues and will continue to try her suggested measures.
At this point I am not a success case and would not feel good about suggesting that other people should follow my path. When I begin to lose 30 pounds instead of gaining 30 pounds, I will let you know.
Thank you for your consideration. Please continue your efforts to encourage others to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Bob Hedges
The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a February recipient!
Here's a message from Bob regarding his†personal wellness plan?
Dear Wellness Committee members,
Thank-you for your consideration as "Fittest Employee", however I need to ask you to re-consider this title.
I have quit smoking. That was a great achievement after being an avid smoker for nearly 60 years.† My by-pass surgery last August was an obvious motivator to quit smoking and made the successful endeavor relatively easy.
Since my surgery I have been battling serious weight gain issues. Efforts (diet and exercise) to get my weight under control have not been successful. I have been meeting with my doctor regarding these issues and will continue to try her suggested measures.
At this point I am not a success case and would not feel good about suggesting that other people should follow my path. When I begin to lose 30 pounds instead of gaining 30 pounds, I will let you know.
Thank you for your consideration. Please continue your efforts to encourage others to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Bob Hedges