NTCC board approves bond issuance, hires construction manager

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The 草榴社区 Board of Trustees approved the issuance of limited tax bonds not to exceed $10 million at a special meeting July 14. This will allow NTCC to begin work on the campus renewal plan that voters approved in May. 鈥燩ictured,鈥燚erek Honea, with RBC Capital Markets,鈥爀xplains the bond issuance to the board.鈥燞onea鈥爏tated that due to the favorable market at the time of the bond issuance, the cost to taxpayers will be鈥$6.4 million鈥爈ess than anticipated鈥爄n November 2014 and $570,000 less than anticipated in June of this year. The board also approved hiring WRL General Contractors as construction manager at risk for the campus improvement project.