January 23, 2015
The NTCC campus is invited to join The Wesley Foundation for the groundbreaking of the new Wesley Fellowship Building on Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 12:30 p.m.†(behind the NTCC tennis courts)
The Wesley Fellowship,†created in 2003 has been†actively serving ²ÝÁñÉçÇø†Texas Community College†students, faculty, and staff.†The group meets for food†and fellowship each Tuesday†and, until recently, provided†a free lunch prepared and†served by local United†Methodist Churches,†along with other churches†throughout our community.
Members of the Wesley†Board recently met to†finalize plans for building†a new home for the Wesley†Ministry.†Currently, the ministry†serves an average of†60 students each week.†Meeting space has always†been a challenge for Wesley†as NTCC?s student body†and student organizations†have seen considerable†growth over the past few†years.†Occasionally meetings†must be relocated due to†competition for meeting†space. Aaron Dudley,†Wesley Director, has†overseen continued growth†during his tenure.
In 2006, the Board†received an opportunity†to purchase land adjacent†to the college property†and soon after began†raising funds necessary to†build a permanent home†for Wesley. After years†of prayers, fund-raisers,†and donations, a ground†breaking ceremony has†now been set for Tuesday,†January 27.
Rev. Mike Fraley, Wesley†Board President, said, ?Wehave been working toward†this ground-breaking for†many years and we are†grateful to God and all of
our donors that this day†is in sight.? Fund-raising†activities will continue.
Dan McCain and Mike†Clifton have volunteered†to direct the Wesley†building project. A call†for volunteers to perform†the work of building†the facility is underway.†Volunteers with experience†in construction, electrical,†plumbing, painting, dirt†work, HVAC, brick laying,†flooring, landscaping,†concrete finishing, and/or†those willing to clean as the†work progresses are needed.
A volunteer labor force†will result in considerable†savings for the construction†budget. Please call Laura†at 903-897-5596 or email at†daingerfieldfumc@yahoo.com to volunteer.
The Wesley Fellowship†Center will become†a center for NTCC†students, faculty, staff, the†surrounding churches,†and the community to use†for meetings, worship,†counseling, training†sessions, and more. Living†quarters are in the current†plan that will provide an†opportunity for a consistent†presence and oversight of†the facilities.
Wesley students and†their Board invite you to†prayerfully consider making†a donation toward this†project and/or volunteering†to assist in the construction.†Currently, over $150,000 has†been raised.†Fundraising efforts are†continuing to complete the†building fund and ongoing†operational costs. Please†send your tax-deductible†gifts to Wesley and mail to†FUMC Daingerfield, 203†Scurry St., Daingerfield, TX†75638
Submitted by the Wesley Fellowship