Phi Theta Kappa inducts new members

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Alpha Mu Chi, the Phi Theta Kappa Chapter of 草榴社区, recently held its spring induction ceremony at the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts. Speakers for the evening included Dr. Ron Clinton, NTCC President, and Chesney Davis, Alpha Mu Chi member and the outgoing Texas Regional District III Vice-President for Phi Theta Kappa.

Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achievement of community college students and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. The Society is made up of more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in nine nations. Students must meet specific academic criteria in order to be invited to join Phi Theta Kappa. New inductees at the Spring 2018 ceremony were:

Stacia M. Ahmed

Kelley Alexander

Shelby Baker

Tyler Bernard

Leslie Blann

Melonie D?Lane Chamness

Alyson Cortez

Meagan Cox

Madison Michele Cox

Loren Cummings

Laura Dahm

Katie Emmett

Jessica Finney

Hannah Fouch脠

Walter Fouch脠

Jazmin Garcia

Rachel Gildersleeve

Lilly Haack

Amanda Harrington

Savannah Hayes

Karl Heinrich

Eva Margaret Hernandez

Angel Hodges

Lindsey Hudson

Cierra Julian

Cheyenne Elizabeth Lee

Kate Matthews

Theresa Mae McGregor

Heather R. Nee

Brandi Shardale Patt

Azucena Ramirez

Mark P. Rice

Laci Riggs

Jessiellee Ross

Keli Rymer

Jan Shirley

Ashlee Rayann Smith

Ramzi Smith

Patricia Ricks Stewart

Amanda Thigpen

Rachel Thomas

Kayla Stewart Torres

Veronica Womble

Kiara Zavala


Alpha Mu Chi officers for the 2018-2019 school year include:


Chapter President, Rhylie Anderson

Chapter Vice-President, Hannah Fouch脠

Secretary, Veronica Womble

Treasurer, Angel Hodges

VP of Communication, Lilly Haack

VP of Leadership, Tyler Bernard

VP of Scholarship, Shelby Baker

VP of Fellowship, Allyson Cortez

VP of Service, Morgan Martin

VP of Fundraising, Jazmin Garcia

VP of Membership, Gilbert Moore

Historian, Elias Reyes

Public Relations, Ramzi Smith