David Rangel named September Fittest Employee of the Month

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Joy Cooper†(left) presents David Rangel†with a fruit and†vegetable gift basket for being named NTCC?s Fittest Employee†of the Month†for September. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing†overt wellness behavior and attitude.†The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for an October recipient!

Here are a few words about David's†personal wellness plan?

On November 2009, I looked in the mirror and was dissatisfied with what I saw. †I had let my health deteriorate after years of graduate work and the birth of my son.† Five years after getting married, I gained 25 pounds. †The weight gain was †slow and relatively unnoticeable other than the larger pant sizes I needed to buy. I knew I needed to do something if I wanted to be around and enjoy life with my family.

I decided to try P90X, one of the fitness programs advertised on television.† The program was very difficult for me because, not only did it require working out on a daily basis for over an hour, but it required that I change my diet.† After the 90 day program, I lost about 15 pounds.† Most people would have been excited about losing 15 pounds in three months, but I was disappointed because I had expected to lose more weight in the process.† I knew it was because I didn?t take the diet seriously and continued to eat like before.† I decided to take a calorie count for a week and see how much I was really eating.† I was consuming over 3000 calories a day and was by default negating all my work.† This is when I decided to start eating better and making better choices in what I ate.† My wife, Tara, was instrumental in this part.† She was my accountability partner and would constantly remind me to make a good choice when I wanted a snack.† I continued P90X for another 90 days and lost an additional 20 pounds. The diet was the game changer!

I knew I couldn?t continue the time required by the program, so I decided to take up running.† It came naturally since I was in better shape and I enjoyed running during college.† I run between 30 minutes to an hour depending on how I feel that day.† Some days are better than others.† Tara wanted to lose her baby weight and started running with me.† Running gave us something to do together as a family.† Tara exceeded her goal and lost over 30 pounds.† We now run in 5Ks or 10Ks during the Spring and Fall to remind us of what we accomplished. †In March 2013, I did something I never dreamed I would be doing, I ran in my first half-marathon.† I didn?t get the time I wanted, but I finished. I now have my eyes set on a full marathon next year.

It was a long hard process to get to where I?m at.† My advice is to not expect your body change instantly, it takes time.† I recommend that you find an accountability partner, whether it?s your spouse or a friend.† You will be each other?s encouragement during the difficult days and remind each other to make better choices when you eat.† Find something you enjoy, whether it?s running, walking, cycling, gardening, or a television fitness program.† We often make an excuse that there is not enough time, but we always seem to find time to watch our favorite 30 minute tv show.† It?s all about priorities, make wellness your priority.

David Rangel

Assistant Professor of Mathematics
