Voters approve NTCC Prop 2, decline Prop 1

²ÝÁñÉçÇø confirmed Wednesday that Proposition One failed by 327 votes. However, final tallies from county election officials showed that Proposition Two passed by four votes.

Proposition One dealt with restructuring NTCC's tax cap and would grant the college the ability to pay back debt. Proposition Two authorized the college to issue $19.9 million in bonds to repair the 30-year-old NTCC campus.

?This leaves the college with the authority to issue bonds, but no way to pay them back,? Dr. Brad Johnson, NTCC President, said.

Underground leak causes heating outage at NTCC

²ÝÁñÉçÇø maintenance staff are working to restore heating to the campus †ahead of the Arctic blast that will bring freezing temperatures to the area this week. All campus heat was shut down Monday while temporary repairs were made on a chiller loop leak in the Learning Resource Center.

"Leaks like this†are becoming more frequent. The pipes beneath the campus are deteriorating and breaking at an alarming rate," Dr. Brad Johnson, NTCC President, said.

Bond election update

²ÝÁñÉçÇø received unofficial election numbers Tuesday night that indicated that Proposition 1 failed and Proposition 2 passed.†The College†received†several updates today that might affect the results of Proposition 2.† It is our understanding that such changes are not unusual and often go unnoticed by the public unless the race is a tight one.

Eagles Soccer advances in playoffs, seek berth in national tourney

The ²ÝÁñÉçÇø (NTCC) Men?s Eagles Soccer team advanced in the Region 14 tournament this week in dramatic fashion.† The Eagles won their first round playoff game against Laredo Community College Friday, but it took two overtimes and a penalty shoot-out to get it done! The Eagles now advance to the final round of the Region 14 tournament this Friday when they face off against Pearl River Community College at 2:00 p.m. at NTCC.


German class enjoys cultural meal

Students in German 1311 learned German table customs in class today: saying ?Guten Appetit!? to fellow diners, or lifting your glass & saying ?Prost!? Germans, like other Europeans, eat with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand,†and don?t switch back†and forth like Americans; and they don?t put ice cubes in their drinks. Of course it was more fun to practice with real food!

PTK and Math Science club host science lecture

Matt Wood, Ph.D.,†Professor and Department Head,†Department of Physics and Astronomy at†Texas A&M University-Commerce recently spoke to a joint meeting of the Math/Science Student Organization and Phi Theta Kappa. The topic was†?Kepler Observations of Cataclysmic Variable Stars," which was a†spectacular presentation on the variability of brightness of stars known as Cataclysmic Variable Stars as documented by telescopes at the McDonald Observatory in west Texas.These binary star systems have a normal or ?companion?

Ag to host final fall Farmer's Market

It is finally fall in east Texas and with the delight of the deliciously cool temperatures we are all reminded of the holidays that are soon to come!† The final ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Farmer?s Market of the season will have those holidays in mind as we celebrate the harvest, by gathering the greens and preparing the pumpkins on Friday, Nov. 7 from 9 am to 2 pm.† All are welcome to join us to begin their holiday shopping right.† Vendors of locally raised honey, produce, eggs, pork, and even ?Thanksgiving Turkey?s?