Jon and Patti Cohen give $30,000 endowed scholarship

²ÝÁñÉçÇø recently received a $30,000 planned gift from Jon and Patti Cohen. This donation established an endowed memorial scholarship that will provide three $500 scholarships per year to benefit cosmetology students at NTCC. The scholarship is given in memory of Johnnie Cohen, who was a long-time cosmetology instructor at NTCC. Pictured, Dr. Brad Johnson (left), NTCC President, and Dr. Jonathan McCullough, NTCC Vice President for Advancement, accept the gift.

Ready, Set, Garden!

By Rene McCracken, NTCC Director of Agriculture

It certainly has been a busy few weeks getting classes going at the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Farm.† The organic gardening and food production class has been busy at work doing what some of you home gardeners might be interested in.† We have raised vegetable beds that I discovered in a patch of weeds at the farm.† Unfortunately, when the students leave for the summer, so do the labor hands for us ?

College Rodeo begins Thursday

Rodeo fans will get to see more than 300 athletes from throughout the†Southern Region of the NIRA compete for points and prizes this weekend as Mount Pleasant hosts the the 23rd annual NTCC rodeo. The event will be held October 11-13 at the Mount Pleasant City Arena on Greenhill Road.

In addition,†there will also be Priefert Mutton Busting for the kids each night before†the rodeo performance.

The Thursday and Friday performances will kick off Mutton Busting at 6:30†p.m. and rodeo action will begin at 7:30 p.m. Events on Saturday begin at†1 p.m.

Living From the Ground Up conference slated for November

Karl Falster, of Falster Farms in Winnsboro, shows off his miniature Jersey cow and calf at the 2011 Living From the Ground Up event. The Falsters will be back this year to host demonstrations.††

²ÝÁñÉçÇø will host its second annual Living from the Ground Up (LFGU) agriculture event on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at the Elizabeth Hoggatt Whatley Agriculture Complex.

NTCC to host 25th Annual Scare Affair

"Tooth fairies" from the NTCC Dental Hygiene Program assist kids with the bean bag toss game at the 2011 Scare Affair.†

† † †It's time to put on your best Halloween costume, dust off your trick-or-treat basket and head out to ²ÝÁñÉçÇø for the†25th†annual Scare Affair.

† † †The event is from 6-9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct.†20th†on the plaza of the main NTCC campus (located on FM 1735 near Chapel Hill ISD).